Property Tax & Assessments


All real estate and personal property in the Village of Monticello is assessed annually. The purpose of a property assessment is to assure that all property in the village is valued fairly and equitably for taxing purposes. The Village of Monticello has contracted with Bruce Gardiner Appraisal Service, LLC to assess real estate and personal property in the village. Phone No. – 608-732-4481; Mailing Address: PO Box 745, Platteville, WI 53818


Property Assessment Guides & Publications


Additional information on property assessment in Monticello, including parcel information, maps, tax history, and the assessment process, can be viewed online at Wisconsin Department of Revenue, or Green County Ascent, or the Public Access computer located in Village Hall or by formal request of the Village Clerk.


When Property Taxes are Due?

Property tax bills are mailed to property owners’ mid December.  The Village Clerk’s Office can assist you with any questions or concerns regarding your property tax bill or payment.

The property taxes are collected by the Green County Treasurer’s Office for both installments (1st installment due January 31st and 2nd installment due July 31st).  Receipts will be returned by mail only if a stamped self-addressed envelope is included with your payment.

Open Book

Open Book will be held in the Spring at the Monticello Village Hall, 140 Main Street.  Date will be posted once determined.  Open Book provides property owners an opportunity to meet with the Assessor to discuss their assessment. If you have questions, contact the Village Clerk at (608) 938-4383.

Board of Review & Reevaluation


The first meeting of the Board of Review will be held at the Monticello Village Hall.  Date will be posted once determined.  Board of Review provides property owners an opportunity to contest their property assessment and address any issues not resolved at Open Book.  Anyone wishing to appear before the Board of Review needs to provide a written or oral intent to file an objection to the Clerk’s Office 48 hours prior to the first scheduled meeting of Board of Review. If you have questions, contact Village Clerk at (608) 938-4383.

Reevaluation Frequently Asked Questions

What is a revaluation?

A revaluation is an update of all assessments in a municipality conducted by Gardiner Appraisal Service. The assessor is a State certified individual whose duties are to discover, list and value all taxable real property in the municipality, in a uniform and equitable manner. The assessor is not involved in the collection of property taxes.

Why is the revaluation necessary?

This ensures all property owners are paying their appropriate share of property taxes. The last time assessments were brought to market value was twelve years ago in 2007 when a full revaluation was completed.

Will my property values change?

Most likely – yes! Some neighborhoods and property types may have increased in value and others may have remained the same. One purpose of a revaluation is to make sure that the assessed values reflect the changes that have occurred in property values.

Will the assessor need to view the inside of my property?

The assessor will attempt to view all properties including those that changed from the previous year, this includes, new construction, property splits, and properties that were issued a building permit during 2018.

How can my assessment change when I haven't done anything to my property?

As property values change in the marketplace, those changes must be reflected on the assessment roll. Economic conditions such as recent home sales in your neighborhood, sales of reasonable comparable buildings, and inflation will influence the value of your real estate.

Will I be notified if there is a change in my assessment?

The State of Wisconsin State Statutes require that all property owners be notified if there is a change in the assessed value of their property.

What if I don't agree with my assessment?

Once you have received your value change notice, you can schedule a meeting with the assessor for Open Book. During this informal session, the assessor will explain how your assessment was prepared, view the property record for your property, what factors were considered in determining a value for your property and view comparable house values.

What if, after this informal meeting, I still disagree with the assessment?

You can arrange to appear before the Board of Review. To do so, you will be required to complete an objection form, which must be completed in full. You will then be scheduled for a hearing where you will present your case regarding the assessed value of your property.

What evidence do I need to present to the Board of Review?

The best evidence of value is the recent sales price of your property (To ensure an accurate assessment of your property, it is to your advantage to allow the assessment personnel inside your property when an inspection is requested.)

What if there hasn't been a recent arm's-length sale of my property?

The next best evidence is the arm’s-length sales of reasonably comparable properties. These are properties like yours in location, age, style, condition, and other features that affect market value, such as the number of bathrooms, bedrooms, and size of garage.

How will my taxes change as a result of a new assessment?

Though the value of your property affects your share of taxes, the actual amount you pay is determined by the budget needs of the schools, city, county, technical college and state. All these taxing units decide what services they will provide in the coming year and how much money they will need to provide those services.


Assessed Value: This is the dollar value placed on a parcel of property by the Assessor. It is computed by analyzing individual sale transactions and inspections of property within the municipality. This value is important because it establishes and maintains equity
between and among all taxpayers in the municipality. This is the value that is used to calculate your tax bill.

Estimated Fair Market Value: (a.k.a. Equalized Value) This value estimate is determined by the State of Wisconsin – Department of Revenue. It is used to apportion tax levies among municipalities and is used in the distribution of shared revenues. State law requires that assessors be within 10% (higher or lower) of the State’s Fair Market Value.



Please make checks payable to: GREEN COUNTY TREASURER at 1016 16th Avenue Monroe WI 53566 Phone: 608-328-9435

Credit card or e-check payments are also accepted by Green County at a nominal fee.


Green County WI Property Tax Payments

May banks in the area will also accept payments for Monticello property taxes. Please check directly with the following banks or your bank about this service:

  • Greenwoods State Bank in Monticello
  • Union Bank & Trust Co in New Glarus
  • The Bank of New Glarus in New Glarus
  • Sugar River Bank in Brodhead, Belleville, Monroe and Juda
  • Monona Bank in Belleville & Brooklyn
  • Associated Bank in Monroe


Tax Year Info for Mortgage Companies

Tax Amount/Payment Viewer

Tax amounts and payments of taxes can be viewed online through Green County’s website. Amounts will be updated in real time as payments are posted. Click below:

Tax Amount & Payment Viewer

*Type in Village of Monticello for Municipality and type in either your parcel number, street address or name to get your information. Click on your parcel and then just click on the TAXES tab and scroll down to see your tax information.

More Tax Information

First Dollar Credit

The First Dollar Credit is a property tax credit provided taxpayers under 2007 Wisconsin Act 20. The credit is calculated using the Equalized Value School Tax Rate and has a Maximum Credit Value, similar to the Lottery Credit. The credit is allowed on all real estate parcels that contain an improvement and one taxpayer may receive more than one First Dollar Credit. The credit is reflected on the line above the Lottery Tax Credit on your property tax bill and is divided equally between the two installments. If you do not see the Credit reflected on your tax bill and believe you are eligible, please contact either the Village Clerk or County Treasurer’s Office.

Lottery Tax Credit

To qualify for a Lottery Tax Credit you must own a home in Wisconsin AND occupy that home as your primary residence on January 1 of the year in which the tax is levied. If the credit was not applied and you feel you are entitled, please contact either the Village Clerk or County Treasurer’s Office. More information on these credits can be found at Wisconsin Department of Revenue and type the name of the credit in the search engine.

Personal Property Taxes

Personal property taxes are taxes on non-real estate business property. All personal property tax payments are made to Green County Treasurer. Personal property taxes are due in full by January 31. Late fees of 1.5% per month will be assessed on all personal property taxes paid after January 31 and paid to the Village of Monticello.

Overpayments & Refunds

If you have an escrow check that is written for more than your taxes, a refund check will be issued right away at the Green County Treasurers office or at the bank. If you made an overpayment by personal check, a refund check will be issued in ten business days.